White Oak

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White Oak

from $17.00
  • Quercus alba

  • Seedling size: 6-12”

  • White oaks will reach mature heights of 50-80 feet. They grow best in well drained soil, and prefer full sun to partial shade. White oaks make a great showcase tree due to its broad, round crown, dense foliage, and purple-red fall color. They also have a high wildlife value.

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These bundle sizes are best suited for looking to plant specimen trees in the yard or nearby landscaping. Trees this size (1-2 feet tall) are best planted by hand with a shovel and not a mechanical planter as their roots can be damaged by a mechanical planter.

White Oaks will max out their growth at 80-100 feet tall. Their presence in the forest makes a great showcase tree due to its broad round crown and dense foliage. If you plant them as a landscape tree in the backyard you will notice they get a purplish-red to violet-purple color at the end of the season.

White oaks will grow wonderfully in our sandy Kalkaska soils and can be drought tolerant. What else can you ask for!?! White oaks are Oak Wilt resistant and on a mast (acorn producing year- which tends to be every 2-3 years) that can support over 500 species of wildlife and birds.