Household Hazardous Waste Collection
The event is made possible by the District’s milage and limited to Kalkaska County Residents only. Proof of residency is required via driver’s license, water bill, tax bill, etc.
Appointments are highly encouraged. It helps ensure a smooth event for traffic flow and coordinating staff and volunteers. While we do allow some “walk-ins” to participate in the event, we are limited to the space available by the vendor. A RSVP link/button will be live no later than June 2nd.
NEW for 2025 - Latex paint will no longer be accepted for free. Each 1 gallon container will be $4 and each 5 gallon container will be $20. This will apply for each container - no matter how full or empty it is. You may combine latex paint cans together. DO NOT add oil based paint cans together. If the latex paint is dry, it is safe to throw away. You can add kitty litter or sand into the can to speed up the drying process, or leave the can open to dry out (works best if there is not much paint left in the can).
Looking to get rid of some items sooner? Here is a short list of some options for where to take them:
Dried latex paint is safe to throw in the regular trash bin and can be sent to the landfill. Once it is dry, there is no way to recycle it back into new paints. Companies will often remix colors and donate to Habitat for Humanities projects.
Used motor oil can often be taken to car parts stores like O’Reileys and Auto Zone to be recycled for free. The Kalkaska County Road Commission will also take oil to use the garage heaters.
Fire extinguishers can be taken to Summit Fire Protections in Traverse City, MI.
Please contact our office if you have any questions about the event, at (231)258-3307.
“2024 Event Highlights:
This year, we collected 32,625 pounds of hazardous materials from residents of Kalkaska County. The Friends of the KCD volunteered for the entirety of the event. Thank you Kalkaska County for helping us keep our woods and waters clean!”
“2023 Event Highlights:
This year we had extra volunteer assistance from our Friends of the Kalkaska Conservation District. In 2023 we collected 19,836 pounds of hazardous materials from Kalkaska County residents. Thank you Kalkaska County for another great event!”
“2022 Event Highlights:
There were 220 people that participated in the collection event which totaled 32,833 pounds of Household Hazardous Waste materials. THANK YOU Kalkaska County for another great year of helping keep our woods and waters free of these contaminants. ”
“2021 Collection Highlights:
We definitely didn’t have to worry about overheating for the 2021 collection event! It poured rain for the majority of the event with some sun appearing in the last half hour of collection. In total, 149 people participated from all over Kalkaska County to bring 20,583 pounds of hazardous materials in to be properly disposed of. THANK YOU for your support and help to keep the woods and waters healthy and clean!”