Equip Loan Program — Kalkaska Conservation District

Equipment Loan Program

The Kalkaska Conservation District, in an effort to provide resources to promote conservation and sustainability in the community, has equipment available for rent by residents of Kalkaska County and those Out-of-County.

For more information, or to reserve equipment, please use the form below or call the office at

(231) 258-3307.

Tree Planter

Requires: 3 point hitch, 40-50 hp tractor, and trailer for transport


  • Kalkaska Residents: $50/first day + $25/additional day

  • Out-of-County: $60/first day + $30/additional day

  • a nonrefundable deposit for the first day of use is necessary to reserve the equipment

*click photo for video of tree planter in action*

*click photo for video of tree planter in action*



A pesticide free alternative to getting rid of unwanted woody plants from bushes to small trees (great for the invasive Autumn Olive).

Maximum stem diameter: 2.25”

Cost: $10 per week

Tree Planting Bars (Dibble Bars)

The best tool to use for handplanting tree seedlings.

Cost: $5 per week

treeplantingbars (1).png

Questions and Reservations Form