Red Osier Dogwood
Red Osier Dogwood
Cornus sericea
Seedling size: 1-2’
Dogwood grow 6-10 feet tall. They are drought tolerant but prefer wet areas like streams or ponds, and do best in full sun to part shade. They have white flowers in May-June and an iconic red bark in the fall & winter. The fruit is food for game birds.
Red Osier Dogwood seedlings are available in limited quantities this year! We are offering larger seedling though that will make an immediate impact in the landscape. Specimens range from 1-2 feet tall and will be fast growers.
Red Osier Dogwood will grow 6-10 feet tall and become bushy. It can be drought-tolerant, but really loves wet site conditions like streams/ponds. It’s ideal for those looking to protect stream, pond, or lake banks as it has deep-reaching roots that can stabilize soil against erosion. It can also be used as a hedge or windbreak specimen.
It will bloom a white flower from May to June then produce small berries that game birds adore. Many know it for its iconic red bark in fall & winter.