Sugar Maple

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Sugar Maple

from $17.00
  • Acer saccharum

  • Seedling size: 6-12”

  • Sugar maples can reach a mature height of 60-75 feet. They adapt well to a variety of soil and light conditions, but grow fastest in full sun. Makes an excellent landscape tree, but shallow roots can crack sidewalks. Can be tapped for maple syrup at 30-40 yeas old!

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Sugar Maple grows upward of 60 feet tall and adapts well to a variety of soil & light conditions. It tends to be more shade tolerant than Red Maple and often grows deeper in the canopy of the hardwoods. It has a beautiful round shape that can make it an excellent landscape tree also.

Do be careful if planting as a landscape tree in the front yard though. Its shallow roots can easily crack sidewalks.