Join us for our annual Native Plant Sale

Our Plant Sale will be a first-come, first-served event during a dedicated shopping window. The Plant Sale will open Thursday, September 12 from 2pm to 7pm at the Kalkaska County Road Commission (1049 Island Lake Rd, Kalkaska). We will feature a variety of Michigan native flowers, ferns, and grasses!

All plants are Michigan-grown and organic, and ready to be planted the same day. Plants are available individually in quarts, as a single species flat, in habitat kits, and shrubs are available in gallon-sized containers.

These kits are the perfect way to plant a beautiful garden without spending hours researching what to plant. Simply follow the diagram to quickly fill a 4x10-foot garden bed with native species based on the type of garden you want to install. 2024 kits are: Butterfly, Monarch, Pollinator, Tall Prairie, Grassland, Shoreline, Rain Garden, or Semi-shaded garden.

Species available for purchase are as follows:

  • Yarrow

  • Wild Columbine

  • Common Milkweed

  • Butterfly Weed

  • Swamp Milkweed

  • Harebell

  • Tall Coreopsis

  • Purple Coneflower

  • Rattlesnake Master

  • Early (oxeye) Sunflower

  • Swamp Rose Mallow (quarts available, no single species flats)

  • Rough Blazing Star (quarts available, no single species flats)

  • Cardinal Flower (no quarts, single species flats available)

  • Great Blue Lobelia

  • Showy Goldenrod

  • Foxglove Beard Tongue

  • Cut-leaf Coneflower

  • Frost Aster

  • Golden Alexanders

  • Blue Vervain

  • Bottlebrush Grass

  • June Grass

  • Button Bush

  • Northern Bush Honeysuckle

  • Shrubby Cinquefoil


A Monarch butterflies host plant are milkweeds, pictured here is the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)

A hummingbird enjoys nectar from Cardinal Flower (lobelia cardinalis)