Hardwood Marking Workshop for Landowners
This hands-on, outdoor workshop is designed for landowners of small woodlots of northern hardwoods. It will instruct how to selectively mark their own hardwoods for a harvest. The goal is to teach how to select trees to remove with an emphasis to improve the quality of the remaining stand; to thin the stand to improve growth and still maintain diversity and good minimum density.
Preregistration is required. Snack and lunch will be provided. Bringing a clipboard and writing instrument is recommended. Please pre-register by September 16.
Please note, this workshop is being hosted on private property. The workshop address will be given to RSVP’d individuals only.
The cost is $30 per person. Contact Forester Larry Czelusta at larry.czelusta@macd.org or 231-775-7681 ext 3 with any questions and to RSVP.