Do you have a conservation project on your property that you have been wanting to do, but need just a little financial help to get started? Read more about our new Conservation mini-grant!
MDARD expands hemlock woolly adelgid quarantine to combat the spread of this invasive species
LANSING – The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) revised the State of Michigan’s interior hemlock woolly adelgid quarantine. The quarantine regulates the movement of hemlock and tiger-tail spruce trees, forest products and nursery stock, with some exceptions, from the quarantine areas to other locations within the state.
More Animals That Migrate: Who Knew?
During the winter months, amidst the piles of snow, we notice a few animals missing from the environment. Some are sleeping during the coldest days, emerging on sunny, warm days, and some are true hibernators. Other animals, such as hummingbirds, warblers and monarch butterflies are migrators, leaving the snow and cold behind for warmer climes.